Republic of Tunisia
Ministry of Finance
  • Social name: EL BOUNIANE
  • Legal Form: Limited company classified as a public establishment
  • Share capital: 2,500,000 dinars
  • Aggregate Par value of shares: 10 dinars
  • UI : 0001924S
  • Company headquarters: 68, Rue Farhat Hached -1001- Tunis
  • Activity: Asset management
  • Chairman and CEO: SAMI BEN MABROUK
  • Appointment date: March 07, 2017
  • Auditor: Mr. Taher Wanas - Accounting expert (2020 - to present)

capital structuring

Percentage  Shares Contributors
         99.97        249.945 Tunisian state
          0.02            40 Public entities
          0.01            15 Private entities



Board structure

Chairman of the Board of Directors SAMI BEN MABROUK
Two members Representatives of the Tunisian State (Government Office)
Two members Representatives of the Tunisian State (Ministry of Economy, Finance and Investment Support)
One member Representative of the Tunisian State (Ministry of Trade and Export Development)
One member Representative of the Tunisian State (Ministry of Equipment and Housing)