Republic of Tunisia
Ministry of Finance

    23 June1910

     "Schwich & Baizeau" company is founded.


    07 et 26 November1963

    Dates of the two founding sessions

    Tunisianization of the company

    The company "Shwich and Baizeau" was Tunisianized by establishing a public limited company of mixed economy under the name "El bouniane" (Previously known as Schwich and Baizeau).


    24 et 27 December1963

    The date of publication of the formation notice in the Official Gazette of the Tunisian Republic


    30 September1983

    Acquisition by the Tunisian State of the rest of the foreign contributions

    The Tunisian State has acquired the rest of the contributions of the Schwich and Baizeau institutions and foreign capital of El-Bouniane Company