Republic of Tunisia
Ministry of Finance
  • The organic law of El-Bouniane company published in the Official Gazette of the Tunisian Republic from December 24 to 27, 1963 was revised both at the extraordinary general assembly held on May 31, 2001 and at the extraordinary general assembly held on May 25, 2010 to ensure complicity with the requirements of the Commercial Companies Code.
  • Law n ° 78 of 1985 of August 5, 1985, fixing the general statute of the agents of the offices, of the public establishments of an industrial and commercial character and of the companies whose capital is held directly and 100% by the State or the public collectivities, and is revised with complementary texts.
  • Law No. 9 of 1989, of February 1, 1989, relating to contributions, establishments and public institutions, and all its revised and complementary texts.
  • Law No. 93 of 2000 of November 3, 2000 promulgating the Code of Commercial Companies and all its revised and complementary texts.
  • Law n ° 2002-61 of July 9, 2002 laying down provisions relating to social protection for the benefit of a certain number of employees of public establishments and non-administrative establishments affiliated to the National Pension and Provident Fund social.
  • Law No. 58 of 2006 of July 28, 2006 creating a special part-time work regime in which two-thirds of the salary is used for the benefit of mothers.
  • Decree n ° 1986-936 of October 6, 1986 fixing the regime of part-time work in offices, public establishments of an industrial and commercial nature and companies whose capital is owned directly and 100% by the State or local public groups.
  • Decree No. 529 of 1987 of April 1, 1987, fixing the conditions and procedures for auditing the accounts of public industrial and commercial establishments and companies whose capital is 100% owned by the State.
  • Decree n ° 1995-83 of January 16, 1995, relating to the exercise of state employees, local public authorities, public administrative establishments and public enterprises holding a professional title for an activity determined for remuneration.
  • Decree No. 97-410 of February 21, 1997 fixing the composition and management of the commission for the reorganization and restructuring of public contribution enterprises as well as the composition and content of the technical commission for privatization.
  • Decree n ° 97-567 of March 31, 1997 fixing the conditions and forms of direct assignment in public establishments and public establishments of a non-administrative nature.
  • Decree No. 2280 of 2000 of 10 October 2000 fixing the terms and conditions for the appointment and rental conditions of liquidators of establishments and enterprises with public participation as well as the forms and procedures for approving the liquidation program.
  • Decree No. 2002-2197 of October 7, 2002, relating to the procedures for exercising control over public enterprises, the procedures for approving acts of their management, the representation of public shareholders in their management and management bodies. direction, and the determination of their obligations.
  • Decree n ° 2003-1656 of August 4, 2003, fixing the terms and conditions for guaranteeing the benefits provided for by law n ° 2002-61 of July 9, 2002 on specific social protection provisions for the benefit of a certain number of employees of the public sector establishments and institutions of a non-administrative nature affiliated to the National Pension and Social Security Fund.
  • Decree No. 2005-910 of March 24, 2005 designating the supervisory authority for public establishments and non-administrative public establishments.
  • Decree n ° 2016-510 of April 13, 2016 amending and supplementing decree n ° 2002-2197 of October 7, 2002 relating to the procedures for exercising control over public enterprises, to the procedures for approving the acts of their disposal, the representation of public shareholders in their management and management bodies, and the determination of their obligations.
  • Order of the Prime Minister of December 21, 1990, relating to the installation and management of the planning committee for establishments with a public majority.